Books: Memphis Wrestling History Presents The 1960s
Book News
01 Sep 2011
MWH 1960s Book Available Everywhere
This new book had a great debut in Atlanta at Fanfest (Aug 5-7). Now it's
available for purchase thru the me as well as thru the publisher and Be sure to order your copy today.
Click the "Buy Now" button below to purchase a copy of my 1960s book using paypal.
Or purchase the book from thru the link below!

Or check the book out at the publisher.

'Memphis Wrestling History Presents the 1960s' Is Now Available!

Another in the Memphis Wrestling History series of books. This record book documents Memphis Wrestling that
took place in Mempis during the 1960s. The cards and results included are for the Monday Night weekly matches.
Each chapter represents a year and cover 1960 thru 1969 and has a short yearly review at the beginning of each
chapter. This book is considered a book end to Memphis Wrestling History's first book that
covered all the cards and matches for 1970 thru 1985.
The record book is 206 page and measures 8"x10" and is priced at $21.00 plus S&H. To see an example of the pages
within, click HERE.
How To Purchase A Copy?
The book is available for purchase online thru
or my publisher, CreateSpace. I will be selling a limited number
of copies out of my home. You can email me to make arrangements for a copy of my new book. Just click on the "Add to Cart" button on the left
to go to paypal and place your order right now.
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