MWH Interviews & Reviews
Interview: Scott Bowden

First half of an interview I did with Scott a few years ago. Talking with Scott is always fast and loose because we both have such an extensive knowledge of the history of Memphis Wrestling...
Interview: Nick Bockwinkel

An interview I did with Nick about his time in Memphis. It was a thrill to be able to interview the former AWA World champion at length. Nick was very cordial and open. Conducted in Jan 2009...
Interview: Julien Nitzberg

Interview I did with Julien, who is a screenwriter. He was working on a Sputnik Monroe screen play at the time of the interview and HBO had given the green light for it...
Review: Jimmy Valiant Book

Jimmy Valiant is an amazing guy. His book is very in depth and covers his entrie career. It's easily a muct read...